Friday, August 23, 2013

Angel Hair with Shrimp in a Light Tomato Sauce

This pasta is absolutely amazing!! It's probably my best dish yet. I layered all of the ingredients, so you could taste every single one in the finished dish! Below is a step-by-step of how the MAGIC happened.

 I used Angel Hair pasta, but you could use just about any type of straight pasta you would like! I've seen it with Spaghetti as well. I like the Angel Hair because when cooked correctly, it adds a ton of flavor! Be sure to season your boiling water with a wealthy amount of salt b/c that is what will flavor your noodles. Cook just until al dente, usually approx 8-9 minutes.

 Up next is my favorite part...the SAUCE!! I like this dish b/c the sauce is very simple. Extra Virgin Olive Oil, diced tomatoes, garlic minced, butter, dried basil, red pepper flakes and italian seasonings. Be careful not to use too much, but feel free to season to taste.

I used a can of diced tomatoes b/c I wanted to add the remaining juice to my sauce as well. Simmer on medium heat until butter melts.

I like Del Monte w/ Basil, Garlic & Oregano...but of course you can use whatever is YOUR favorite. They recently changed the look of the can, so don't panic (as I did) if you can't find it immediately. Also, they have the low sodium version which is nice for those watching sodium intake.

Add half cup of white vinegar & juice from canned tomatoes. Simmer on med to low heat while you prep shrimp...which is up next!

Again, I used small shrimp already cooked but you can use whatever you would like. You could even use chicken for this dish, but be careful because chicken can dry out your noodles.

I removed the shells from the shrimp to make them easier to eat, took a little longer on the front end, but was well worth it while eating.

Sautee shrimp in olive oil and tablespoon of butter. Season with teaspoon of garlic powder. This is my favorite weapon because it's not as salty as garlic salt. Cook on medium for approx 3 minutes on each side. They were already cooked so it didn't take long. Just long enough to brown lightly.
Add noodles to sauce which should be ready to go, and toss. Let stand for a couple of minutes on very low heat, then add shrimp!! Top with thinly shredded Parmigiano-Reggiano (I like to buy the block and shred myself so that I can shred to my liking), then add a few more basil leaves and it's ready to eat!! I add a lot of cheese to my personal bowl b/c I am a cheese nut, but my husband isn't big on cheese. But again...this is completely up to you!

Friday, July 19, 2013

I Am Only One...

"I am only one, but I am one. I can't do everything, but I can do something. The something I ought to do, I can do. And by the grace of God, I will."  - Edward Everett Hale

While on my 40 day Soul Fast I read this quote and it drove home for me an idea that was simple yet complex. Right in my face, yet very obscure. It is a verse that reads... "We throw open our doors to God and discover at the same moment that He has already thrown open His door to us. We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand -- out in the wide-open spaces of God's grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise" (Romans 5:2).

This was the part of my journey when I realized that having hope in God is not just part of the IS the solution to living authentically and abundantly.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Zimmerman Jury Deliberating

Currently on verdict watch, I ask myself how difficult this decision must be for these 6 women deciding the fate of George Zimmerman. I see it being difficult to get everyone on one accord, as the public opinion on this case is so divided.

The jury will enter deliberations, with one of the most important keys to remember atop their minds. The prosecution did a great job during rebuttal of reminding the jury that the case is not actually about "standing your ground, rather staying in your car".

This concept is most interesting because as the state also points out, Trayvon Martin was also in a position to defend himself from the defendant following him in the dark.

I am just glad that I am not on the jury to decide this case, because it is going to be a truly difficult one to decide while ensuring that decisions are made according to the law and not emotions.

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Rules...

Sunday’s sermon was about Rules…

From the beginning & throughout this sermon, I believed I would be learning about how rules work for the outside, and how the soul works differently. The soul works on what is right, regardless of what the “rules” describe. This is what I thought.

Although we talked through much of this, the biggest nugget to be taken from this sermon was the idea that working from the “done” versus the “do” is the biggest mistake that many of us make. It is the idea that instead of working from the “do” mentality, maybe we should try the “done” frame of mind. God has already determined what is to be “done” in our lives... so why continue begging for what we need him to “do”? He, the pastor, says that “do” is contrived from guilt, while “done” comes from grace. If you truly believe that God has a plan for you, and it is already written…then why all of the questions, and doubt? Why the concern? Why the worry, and the anxiety? It is already written. And not only has He already “done” it, but He has done far more than we could ever deserve! With our loved ones, our health, our strength, our clothes on our backs and the roofs over our heads…this is all representative of things that He has already proved.

I have an MBA, a healthy body, a husband who loves me and a family who loves me just as much. I have already been “over-blessed”. So … why the worry and anxiety about what is to come?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Double Wins For Gay Marriage

Today, supporters of gay marriage received two victories from the Supreme Court. The highest court in the land struck down both DOMA & Prop 8.

Still a long way to go, but this is a great indicator that as a country we are headed in the right direction regarding the equal rights of marriage.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Zimmerman Trial ... Part 1

Talk about a rough start! Whew! No matter what beliefs you carry, this is a very sad case for you too. At least it should be.

We have a 17 year old kid. Dead. Instantly. A family that will never see their loved one again, except through pictures and memories. Many of which will include the final images of his deceased body lying on a wet, dark, cold ground. Alone. Eyes open, mouth ajar, and limbs reaching for life. His loved ones will forever be burdened with his cries, his screams for help will ring in their ears and they won’t ever go away.

Even writing these facts make me ill to my stomach, however they are just that…facts.

Next, there is the 29 year old man. He is afraid for his neighborhood, and burdened by a previous act of crime in this area. He is admittedly a bit overzealous about the possibility of crime in his neighborhood, and has made several, somewhat extreme attempts, to ensure that his home as well as the homes of his neighbors are safe.

The kid was carrying a watermelon flavored Arizona Iced Tea & a bag of Skittles. The adult was carrying a fully loaded, semi-automatic pistol.

Sadly, their worlds collided on a dark & rainy Sunday night in February 2012, the rest is history…

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Ryan Carter

Dear My Precious Ryan Carter,

I cant wait to meet you!!! I’m so excited that you’re finally coming!!! Your moms water has broken, so it looks like you’re coming for real this time. The world won’t exist much longer without you in it!
I just want to say this…I promise to be the BEST big cousin a kid could ever ask for, and whatever I have is yours. Your mommy is amazing and your grandma is the best too…but always remember I’m here for you. As you enter this treacherous world, always remember that the good people always win, and no matter what family comes first.

God will never leave you hanging kiddo and He has your back no matter what! He will never leave you, and He has special plans just for you. Life won’t always be easy, but it will be adventurous! So don’t sweat my love, because your journey will be far greater than you could ever dream! Put your best foot forward and trust in the Lord…other than that there’s nothing else you can do.

Just promise to call me whenever you need me, and I promise to be there for you!
I love you,
Cousin Fallyne

Friday, June 21, 2013

Paula Deen...You're Fired!

The Food Network has just announced that they will not be allowing Paula Deen to return to the network, and I would like to share my thoughts on the decision. I generally don’t agree with decisions that are made out of fear. I’ve been watching Paula for years, and anyone else who’s done the same understands that she’s an older, southern woman with a lot of flare! She always has been! I am absolutely going to take race out of this, because I feel that there is another contributing issue at play.

The network did not respond to her behavior until it gained backlash from the media, and up until that point they, assumingly, supported her and her antics whole heartedly. Is it right for the network to now turn their back on her because she is being called out as a racist? Is she a racist? Her colleagues of the last many years know the answer to that question better than anyone.

So, is it right that they “relieved her of her duties” only after the backlash received over the last few days? Or should they stand behind her character, and give her a leg to stand on? She has admittedly spewed these slurs on more than one occasion, why now has this network decided they no longer want to employ her?

In no way do I condone Paula’s actions. I do become concerned however, when her employer condoned her actions for years and now decides to leave her out on the raft all alone to protect their own rear ends. She shouldn’t be out on that raft by herself! That’s my opinion.

Your thoughts?

Thursday, June 20, 2013

R.I.P Vine...

R.I.P Vine…

So it seems that Instagram has done the inevitable in finally adding video to it’s capabilities! Hallelujah! This seems to be the response from many like myself who was dreading signing up with yet another app just to keep up with the “video joneses”. It was very interesting to see how video apps like Vine were able to grow increasingly fast because of the lack of video capabilities within the other social media sites. Day after day I was receiving requests from friends to join and follow them on Vine, however I had NO desire to do so.

In the middle of this influx of activity on the Vine app it seems that Instagram hit the timing Jackpot! We will probably never know if this update to the app was planned for today, or if they decided to push it up because of the increase in activity on the increasingly popular Vine app. As a marketing professional I find the timing very “convenient”, to say the least.

It remains to be seen how the market will receive this app enhancement, which includes filters that we know people love! One thing I do know, is the tech world loves competition and these recent changes have ensured quite a bit of that over the coming months as Vine attempts to remain relevant! I will be watching!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

You're Being Bullied Too!

News Alert! Guess're being bullied! Surprised? I was. To bully someone, is to attempt to own a power over them that you have not been accredited with. Sorry. Whether its a school kid, or an employer with more power than they should have, bullying is wrong! It's heavy, and it's serious. Often we only notice bullying when someone we love is the victim. But how about when it's you? How do you feel when your boss tasks you with something that isn't your job, you do it gracefully & carefully, and if it doesn't come out to their "standards"'re the fall guy/gal? How about when you get your cable bill and it's wrong. You spend 45 minutes on the phone with someone who doesn't speak English, just to get what's already yours. And then there's there's the quiet kid, who is friendly yet different, quiet, and is teased & antagonized for the color of their hair. Sound like a bully to you?

STAND UP for yourself! You may still have to call India to get your bill corrected, but do it with pride and confidence. Know that as a human you have rights. You have the right to be treated fairly & equally. You have the right to wear whatever you want. You have the right to love & the right to marry whoever you want. You have the right to be you. God gave it to you, therefore, it is yours!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

I am finally here! Stay has been a wild ride, and it's only the beginning!