Thursday, June 20, 2013

R.I.P Vine...

R.I.P Vine…

So it seems that Instagram has done the inevitable in finally adding video to it’s capabilities! Hallelujah! This seems to be the response from many like myself who was dreading signing up with yet another app just to keep up with the “video joneses”. It was very interesting to see how video apps like Vine were able to grow increasingly fast because of the lack of video capabilities within the other social media sites. Day after day I was receiving requests from friends to join and follow them on Vine, however I had NO desire to do so.

In the middle of this influx of activity on the Vine app it seems that Instagram hit the timing Jackpot! We will probably never know if this update to the app was planned for today, or if they decided to push it up because of the increase in activity on the increasingly popular Vine app. As a marketing professional I find the timing very “convenient”, to say the least.

It remains to be seen how the market will receive this app enhancement, which includes filters that we know people love! One thing I do know, is the tech world loves competition and these recent changes have ensured quite a bit of that over the coming months as Vine attempts to remain relevant! I will be watching!

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