Monday, July 8, 2013

The Rules...

Sunday’s sermon was about Rules…

From the beginning & throughout this sermon, I believed I would be learning about how rules work for the outside, and how the soul works differently. The soul works on what is right, regardless of what the “rules” describe. This is what I thought.

Although we talked through much of this, the biggest nugget to be taken from this sermon was the idea that working from the “done” versus the “do” is the biggest mistake that many of us make. It is the idea that instead of working from the “do” mentality, maybe we should try the “done” frame of mind. God has already determined what is to be “done” in our lives... so why continue begging for what we need him to “do”? He, the pastor, says that “do” is contrived from guilt, while “done” comes from grace. If you truly believe that God has a plan for you, and it is already written…then why all of the questions, and doubt? Why the concern? Why the worry, and the anxiety? It is already written. And not only has He already “done” it, but He has done far more than we could ever deserve! With our loved ones, our health, our strength, our clothes on our backs and the roofs over our heads…this is all representative of things that He has already proved.

I have an MBA, a healthy body, a husband who loves me and a family who loves me just as much. I have already been “over-blessed”. So … why the worry and anxiety about what is to come?

1 comment:

  1. People worry because of things they don't know: Things to come/ or how God will respond.

    There are things that are predetermined, however the Bible is a book, not so much about destiny, but a book about decisions.

    The Bible tells us that the prayer of the righteous man avails much. And to pray instead of worry. All things are not pre-determined, but all things are fore-known. In many cases, the path of our lives are our own choice... hence why God says (paraphrased) "Behold I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose life that you and your seed shall live." This alone can create an anxiety, because people worry about making the wrong decisions.

    This is why knowing what God says he will/can do, and trusting him to uphold his word is important. It alleviates some of the fear, to know He is faithful to His word, and will give wisdom if it is requested of Him.
