Friday, July 12, 2013

Zimmerman Jury Deliberating

Currently on verdict watch, I ask myself how difficult this decision must be for these 6 women deciding the fate of George Zimmerman. I see it being difficult to get everyone on one accord, as the public opinion on this case is so divided.

The jury will enter deliberations, with one of the most important keys to remember atop their minds. The prosecution did a great job during rebuttal of reminding the jury that the case is not actually about "standing your ground, rather staying in your car".

This concept is most interesting because as the state also points out, Trayvon Martin was also in a position to defend himself from the defendant following him in the dark.

I am just glad that I am not on the jury to decide this case, because it is going to be a truly difficult one to decide while ensuring that decisions are made according to the law and not emotions.

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